When strangers tell you they know how to run your business better than you can.
Complete strangers will find you on the internet and give you shit about almost everything they see. They'll invade your inbox. They'll bombard your private messages. Some of them are bots, others are real people who want you to pay them for consulting services, some will be acquaintances or friends that MAY have your best interests in mind BUT...if you didn't actively seek their advice - delete, block, report as spam. If advice is not coming from someone you respect, you don't have to listen to it. This is not to say that your business could improve - it always can be doing things better but set up a system and put people in place who are ready to give you constructive criticism when you need it.
I have an advisory board with people who have known me and my art for at least 2 decades that meet with me quarterly. I review what I spent the last 3 months doing, what is working, what isn't and what I want to focus on for the rest of the year. That is where your business can be held accountable and plan to shift. Strangers or people who you have not enlisted for guidance do not get a say.